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Do You Think You Need Couple’s Counselling? Ask Yourself These Questions

Most of us have been raised to believe that a relationship is a long-term commitment that just seems to work out between two people. The actual truth is that any successful relationship requires couples to work together on a continuous basis. Luckily most issues within a relationship can be fixed, as long as both parties are committed to each other and willing to work on their problems. If you need professional help, a couples counsellor will also be able to give you constructive and unbiased feedback.

Here are questions you need to ask yourself and your partner regarding whether you should see a counsellor or not.

Are we communicating, or just talking?

Most relationships face a communication challenge at one point or another. In this case, communication isn’t just a quick chat about how the day went, it is also effectively telling your partner what your needs are in a way that they can understand – and also asking them about their needs. A counsellor can help you create communication habits that will help you get on the right track.

Are we constantly negative?

If there is a general feeling of negativity when you and your partner communicate, whether it is being dismissive or shaming in the way you talk, or in your non-verbal communication, you need help. A relationship counsellor will help you and your partner find the cause of the negativity, and deal with it in a safe and caring environment.

Is there anything we’re too afraid to say to each other?

If you or your partner feel that there is a topic that they are too scared to bring up, whether it is your finances or just an annoying habit, you should consider getting help. These issues can start out small, but can snowball into something that can cause an unnecessary breakup.

Do we withhold intimacy?

It is a fact of life that people will get angry at each other. The fact of the matter is that conflict can help a relationship grow, as long as it’s dealt with in an understanding way. As soon as a partner starts withholding their love as some form of punishment because of anger, it can be a sign of imbalance in the relationship that a counsellor can help rectify.

Want more information about couples counselling? Contact the professionals at Psylegal today.

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